![Suicune Blog, Rifuki No Monogatari, The Tale of Rifcy](http://i43.tinypic.com/33jmiye.jpg)
bagi para blogger. keberadaan Pagerank, Alexarank dan backlink bukanlah sesuatu yang asing karena keberadaan 3 komponen ini membuat blog kamu bisa terkenal
lalu apa itu Pagerank
apa itu alexarank
apa itu back link?
What is pagerank?
Pagerank is how Google as number one search engine that most of internet users use to find anything on internet give a rank to your site. It gives ranking based on your quality backlink. So to increase pagerank of your site, you need to get as much as possible quality backlinks to your site. Quality backlink meant here is backlink from a site which its content is relevant with your content
What is alexarank?
Alexarank is how Alexa give a rank to your site based on your unique visitor number. The lower the alexarank of the site so it means that the site have more unique visitors. So if you able to drive more and more traffic to your site, than you will get lower alexarank.
What is backlink?
Backlink is a link from other site to your site. A quality backlink is when your site got a link from other site which its content is relevant with your content. You can get quality backlink by submit your site to directory with relevant category or post an article or post a good comment in a blog that its content relevant to your content. Just remember that it just not the number of links but the quality of links.
yang paling jelas kategorinya adalah pagerank dan backlink
soal alexa rank ternyata adalah perbandingan dari jumlah pengunjung dengan jumlah pengunjung yang unik
soalnya kiki abis membedakan antara yang baru bikin blog dan yang udah lama bikin... tapi ndak popular karena yang berkunjung itu2 saja
ternyata alexa rank dari yang baru bikin blog lebih kecil daripada yang udah lama bikin tapi ndak popular
ini berarti yang udah lama bikin blog tapi ndak Popular itu memiliki beberapa pembaca tetap yang setiap saat mengunjungi blognya..
jadi jangan Putus asa
Ohya bagi yang pengen Ngecek PAGERANK, ALEXARANK dan BAcklink bisa klik
butuh pencerahan meningkatkan rank.... soalne msh awam bro