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topeng kaca

Diposting oleh Blaziken On 18.32 0 komentar
yah beberapa hari ini aku harus berurusan dengan segala macam emosi orang, wajah egois, wajah yang bersemu semu karena cinta, hingga wajah yang kebingungan karena banyak yang lupa dia kerjaan.

memang beginilah pekerjaanku berhari hari

pagi jam 4 bangun, sholat subuh, tidur lagi, molor kalau ada kuliah jam 9, kalau kuliah jam 7 ya ogah ogahan bangun

siang kuliah, makan kadang di kantin Fisipol, kadang di mbok sedih, kadang di Sheti, kadang juga makan di jembatan

siangnya ke KUI ngecek beberapa Hal, sore pulang nyewa komik di cendekia,

malam buka laptop, nyalain laptop penuh dengan nuansa oriental, nyalain Internet, cek email, nyalain YM. trus ngerjain tugas

di sela sela ngerjain tugas inilah aku sering menerima keluhan *kayaknya gue lama-lama cocok jadi customer service, entah itu masalah cinta, benci, suka, sedih

apalagi masalah cinta, lawong cintaku sendiri bermasalah bagaimana aku bisa menyarankan ke orang orang tersebut, tapi tetap saja aku ingin yang terbaik untuk di dengarkan orang orang itu,

memang topeng topeng kaca ini tak mau melihat kesedihan, kemarahan dan semua rasa buruk. kalau dilihat betapa rapuhnya topeng topeng kaca ini, niscaya kau akan melihat betapa bahayanya jika di sentuh sedikit kasar, diberi minyak tanah dan korek api.

ibaratnya semua perasaan inilah yang membuat mereka semakin unik, kau tidak bisa begitu saja menghembuskan tiupan angin ke mereka, kau tidak bisa begitu saja mendorong mereka begitu saja dengan kasar

tiupkanla angin semilir ke wajah mereka *tapi ndak pake kuah
gunakanlah kata kata yang membangun
meski terkadang mereka masih di penuhi kemarahan, dan rasa egois mereka pada saat menceritakan masih sangat tinggi
dengarkanlah mereka.
yang mereka butuhkan adalah seseorang yang mendukung mereka, tapi kalau kamu memang tidak mendukung tindakan mereka, jangan pernah pake tindakan kasar untuk menyatakan tindakan nggak sukamu,

dukung mereka dulu, saat mereka sudah agak tenang, katakanlah sesuatu dengan tenang dan cobalah buat mereka berpikir ulang. yah at least ndak terlalu parah sih.

nah mungkin aku harus mohon maaf sebelumnya, bukan aku tidak suka menjadi teman curhat kalian, akan tetapi memang ada kalanya perasaan ingin sendiri dulu sering mendominasi.

yang aku inginkan sekarang adalah ketenangan dan adakah yang mau mengarap tugasku??

Omg terkadang gue baru nyadar kalau kuliah semester sekarang beraat banget
apalagi ketika sudah semester 5

ya allah, mantapkanlah imanku saat kuliah, bagaimanapun juga aku masih berusaha ingin menempati kewajibanku pada keluarga

meski banyak halangan
mulai rasa malas menghinggapi
mulai teman yang mengajak main
mulai teman yang mengajak ngobrol
mulai dari tugas yang sebejibun banyak
mulai dari deadline novel yang belum tuntas
mulai dari masalah keluarga yang masih stuck
mulai dari teman yang jadi musuh skrng karena attitudenya

terkadang aku ingin terlepas dari semua itu
tapi apa kata aku harus menyelesaikan itu semua

Anime and manga as Entertaimen

Diposting oleh Blaziken On 21.37 0 komentar
In this paper I will observe some of the features of Japanese modern, premodern
and post-modern in a broader context of globalization through a
“window” of the phenomenon called Japanese Animation.
1. As the first step, let me suggest a basic analytical framework
expressed in the Figure 1.
In the center of the figure, there appears a phenomenon called Modern or
Modernity that has substantially been consisted of Nation-States.
It seems to me that the modern world, consists of nation-states, is splitting off
to two different directions; 1. Phenomena “less than” nation-states (Prof.
Kouto), such as regionalism, tribe, ethnicity. 2.Phenomena “more than” nationstates
(Prof. Kouto), such as MacDonaldization, information society. However,
at the same time, there are phenomena that are a sort of hybridity of these two
tendencies, such as NOP, NGO movement in that slogan of “think global, act
local.” In a sense, MacDonaldization can be seen as a rather simple extension
of modern in terms of its basic logic.
Here I will treat the Anime (Japanese animation) as this sort of hybrid
These phenomena of hybridization can also be termed “glocalization” as R.
Robertson put it. Seen from the background of the “splitting off”, “differentiation”
(T.Parsons), however, these phenomena may also be considered as a “seed” for
“re-integration” (Parsons) of split social structure for the next stage of social
2. As the second step, let me point out some numbers and statistics.
“Japanimation” or simply “Anime” is a global phenomenon.
Anime has spread all over the world gaining considerable popularity especially
among the younger generation. It also involves the indication that can be
termed “plurality of centre of globalisation”, in contrast with a phenomenon
called McDonaldization.
The base for the Anime industry is the Manga industry in Japan. In 1995,
Manga accounted for 40 % of the entire number of publications in circulation in
Japan including journals and books. And the all the weekly comic Journals
within the top 10 circulation have more than a million circulations. In 1996,
seventy--five million dollars worth of Japanese Manga and Anime were exported
to the USA (Iwabuchi, Koichi, 2001, p.35 ). In 2001, more than 100 TV
animation programs were broadcasted in Japan. Doraemon and Sazaesan have
been on the air for some 30 years. In the entire world market, it is said that
the share of Japanese Anime amounts to can be 60 %, with a whole scale
market value of approximately one thousand billion yen. In August 1996, the
Journal of American Billboard Ranking announced that No.1 selling video in
America was a Japanese Anime entitled “Ghost in the Shell”.
In addition, there followed the booming of Miyazaki Hayao’s animation series.
“Chihiro’s Journey” (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi). It is a story about young
girl who lost her way with her parents and wandered deep into a strange world.
This Anime was awarded the Golden Bear Prize at the Berlin Film Festival.
“Chihoro’s Journey” broke the sales records in Japan formerly held by Titanic.
Viewers who saw this Anime were not confined to children; adults were also
interested in it. Of course this is the reason that the Anime became so popular.
These figures may give you an understanding of the enormity of the presence of
this comic and Anime industry in Japan and around the world.
3. The aspects of Manga and Anime as an industry as such
There has been pointed out that there exist a system can be called a “Image
Alliance” and the importance of this “Alliance” for the prosperity of those Anime
and Manga in today’s world (Shiraishi, Saya, 1998).
In this system of the “Image Alliance”, the key player is an advertisement agent
or company. First of all, the company starts by choosing a certain popular Manga
character as the center or core image for the entire promotion. The image of this
character may be a symbol of the whole Alliance. Then they try to get sponsors in
the form of production and distribution companies. Once they can catch the
sponsor, then, they will ask Anime production to make an Anime movie based on
this very core character or image they have chosen, and at the same time, they
contract the time zone with a TV broadcasting company in which this Anime can
be broadcasted once a week. Because this Anime will be broadcasted once a week,
the character image easily penetrates the viewer, consumer’s daily life and
becomes a part of their lives. Once this is achieved, the sponsor can sell the
characters--related goods with the development of efficient advertising. Thus, you
have the “Alliance” system that started with a certain character or image of
Manga, then involve various goods and commercial activities related to this image.
The players involve in this Alliance are the advertisement agency, the publisher of
Manga, the original Manga writers, the sponsor, the TV station, the Anime
production, the production and distribution company for those Manga characters,
and so on.
This is the “Image Alliance”. But the point here is that you cannot guarantee the
success of this system anytime when big capital is invested in this system. The
key lies in the character of Manga. Popular Manga characters should always be

be creating and supplying to this Alliance in the Manga industry as a “treasurehouse”.
The creation of the soft is the key and it is supported by Manga industry
in Japan.
As you know Japanese Anime achieved a degree of world—wide popularity. From
this base they can develop that “Image Alliance” strategy outside Japan as well.
The result of this strategy there has been a breakthrough of Japanese Anime
character in the world. This is a global strategy from the point of view of supplier
side, sender ’s side.
But the issues concerning this sender’s side are not confined to this “Image
Alliance” by big capital. For instance, “Ghost in the Shell” is originated as a Manga
written by Shiro Masamune. He has a special career to debut as a Manga writer.
Usually Manga writers make their debut as a contributor to a major magazine,
journal within the industry. But Shiro first appeared as a writer of one full volume
of a complete Manga story. Why was it possible? There has been huge population
of young fans and writers as great supporters and readers of Manga. From this
community he was able to make his debut as a writer of a book of Manga from the
very beginning. The point here is that there is a deep and huge supporting
community which also serves as a resource of creative energy for this industry.
Without the creativity flowing from this base, the industry could loose its on—
going energy for world promotion.
4. Japanese cultural heritages and the prosperity of Anime.
The background of the prosperity of the Anime in Japan set a foundation for a rich
culture and tradition of the Japanese comic. What, then, is the secret that makes
this Japanese comic so rich and prosperous? One can argue that the deep and
plentiful heritage of Japanese comics can be traced back to the 12th century. It is
said that the roots of the Japanese comic may be found in the illustrated hand
scrolls called “Emakimono” in 12th century.
In a sense, such conjecture may fall victim to criticisms of “invention of
tradition”, yet this new “invention” had to arise from somewhere, it is not a
creation from nothing. Something had to be the core for this invention.
Shigisan Engi Emaki, drawn in the 12th century may provide one example. This is
is a funny story about a miracle. In it, there is a Buddhist saint who lives in a
temple located deep in a high mountain and who had with super—powers. In one
scene, a rich villager wants to donate bags of rice to the saint but wonders how he
can, as the saint lives deep inside the mountain. Suddenly the bags of rice start
flying to the saint’s cottage in the mountain, and people are now looking up at
this unusual happening with surprise.
Chojuugiga ; the literally translation of which is something like “Caricature of
Birds and Beasts” provides another example. Again this was drawn by Buddhist
priests in medieval period Japan. It is not an Emakimono in terms of genre, but
the texture of the drawings and nature of the movement are similar enough that it
would be fair to call it one of the roots of Manga. Ban Dainagon Emaki, drawn in
the 12th century, has the same qualities as Shigisan Engi Emaki. These
are hand scrolls people enjoyed in the following way: they unroll them from
right to left and open for certain breadth each time and read it for certain period,
and then move on to next scene enjoying the movement of the scenes. This is
just like the way modern people read comics page by page.
The point here is that there were so many hand scrolls of this kind from this time
in Japan’s history. The Shigisan Engi Emaki here is just one example. Perhaps
Europe has its own illustrated stories like this in its Christian tradition. But the
point again here is that this texture of the drawings by a hairbrush, along with the
funny story and especially the nature of the movement in these hand scrolls,
make up characteristics of expression very much correspondent with Manga today
in Japan.
Yet another point is that you need some literacy to “read” or enjoy Manga.
There are some conventions or grammar employed in the drawing of Manga and
also some background knowledge required to decode and to be really familiar with
this world of Manga. These illustrated hand scrolls provide a fundamental base for
that sort of literacy.
So one can assume that Japan has some longstanding cultural background for this
comic industry.

5. Manga and Anime as a Text
Manga and Anime have some particular basic structural qualities as texts. One
of the well known and a leading creators of Anime (working with Miyazaki)
named Takahata once said : “the roots of Japanese Anime are those Illustrated
Hand Scrolls in 12th century Japan, but behind these, there is a real root of
Manga : that is the Japanese language itself.” (Takahata, Isao, 1999, p.7).
According to Takahata, the real root of Manga is the peculiar linguistic system
of the Japanese language. This is summarised in the quality of the language as
“ambiguous and multi-dimensionally stratified structure of visual symbols and
phonetic symbols.”(Takahata, Isao, 1999, p.7).
As a matter of fact, the Japanese language has three different systems of written
expression: Kanji (Chinese letters), Hirakana, and Katakana. Hiranaka and
Katakana are sets of phonetic symbols, while Kanji are of course ideograms,
visual symbols that have meanings. When Kanji, Chinese Letters were introduced
from China, Japanese people had their own language but did not have proper
orthography, or a means of expressing it in letters. So Japanese people at that
time started rendering or borrowing the pronunciation of Chinese Letters to
express their own original pronunciation of Japanese language. This occurred
sometime between the 8th and 9th centuries. But the correspondence between
Chinese characters and their pronunciation in Japanese is not a rigid one. For
example, there were 87 phonemes in Japanese speech at that time but to express
these phonemes there were 970 Chinese characters.
From this corresponding system, Japanese invented two genuine phonetic systems
of symbols called Hirakana and Katakana. Yet at the same time, the tradition of
using Chinese characters still remained. This is the starting point of the
“ambiguity of the relationship between Chinese characters and Japanese
pronunciation.” In other words, in Japanese language, the visual symbols, or
Chinese characters (pictures), and phonetic symbols, or voice (reading), which is
the Japanese rendering of a Chinese ideograph, do not necessarily hold a one to
one correspondence with each other.
In those Emakimono illustrated hand scrolls, just beside the pictures, or set off on

on the other pages of the same hand scrolls, there usually also appeared the
words, script lines that explain the situation. Takahata insists that these
Emakimono are combinations of pictures and phonetic symbols, words, and that
pictures can be more eloquent than phonetic symbols while phonetic symbols can
be more accurate than pictures. But not necessarily rigid one by one
correspondence. He asserts that the combination of pictorial and phonetic
symbols is quite similar to those in Manga. Sometimes a contradictory
combination such as a smiling face and crying speech lines are possible in Manga.
He insists that all these things basically derive from the “ambiguous and multidimensionally
stratified structure of visual symbol and phonetic symbol” in
Japanese language.
I am not sure whether this theory is quite right or not in terms of genuine
linguistic theory but the ideas contained here are “interesting,” to say the least.
Three years ago, there was a TV program featuring Ghost in the Shell, and in
this program some Manga experts stated that the basic grammar of Ghost in
the Shell lies in its “overlapping character of organic things and inorganic things,
and various heterogenetic entities.”(Natsume Fusanosuke). Examples of these
heterogenetic things as expressions of Manga are lines made by ruler and
freehand, colored by computer graphics and by hand, and the interface between
the fleshy human body and electronic cyber space.
In other words, this is a fusion of a series of systems of different origins, such
as visual symbols and phonetic symbols, organic hand written lines and
inorganic lines produced with ruler or computer on a flat picture plane. These
things are separated from their original context, and made “fragmented” (one
of the key words in post-modern discourse), and arranged on the flat one plane.
Thus, we have at hand not just the matters of the heritage of Japanese
illustrated hand scrolls in the 12th century, but matter of globalization and the
post- modern condition.
Theoretically, three different elements are of concern here: (1) the peculiar
quality of Manga and Anime as a Text, with their “ambiguous and multidimensionally
stratified structure”; (2) the fitness of this character to the
quality of post-modern condition; (3) in the huge trend of globalization, the

fitness has been flourished fully and resulted in the world—wide popularity of
Japanese Anime.
6. Glocalization and Anime
In the Modernity at Large—Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Arjun Appadurai
states that “they[electronic media] are resources for experiments with self—
making in all sorts of societies, for all sorts of persons.…Because of the sheer
multiplicity of the forms in which they appear (cinema, television, computers, and
telephones) and because of the rapid way in which they move to through daily life
routines, electronic media provide resources for self—imaging as an everyday
social project.”(Appadurai, 1996, p.3-4). “ The link between the imagination and
social life, I would suggest, is increasingly a global and deterritorialized
one.”(Appadurai, 1996, p.55).
In these passages, it seems to me that Appadurai talks about the intermesh
between the process of glocalization and post-modern experiences. Also the
passages may remind one the episode of the Wachowski brothers. The Wachowski
brothers, the directors of the movie Matrix once said after viewing “Ghost in the
Shell” at the theatre that they wanted to make a movie like it.
This episode may be interpreted three or four.
(1) The Japanese market may prove quick lucrative for Hollywood so the director
said this as a sort of promotion?
(2) Secondly, we can read it as a symbol of the pluralization of the center of
globalisation. I mean that under recent conditions, it seems that the West and
Western countries can no longer monopolize globalisation. Things and events to
be globalized are not necessarily dispatched from the West. Japanese pop culture
in general is one of reflection of this recent change. At the same time, the
Western hegemony has been so deeply and strongly imbedded in our world
system in Wallerstein’s sense, that people cannot deny the structural inequality
and on going cultural hegemony of the West.
It is easy to see that Japanese pop cultures including animation, has been
influenced deeply by western culture. For instance, the faces of heroes and
heroines—especially heroines—are usually not typically Japanese. Sometimes they
they have blond hair, blue eyes, and big round eyes. At the same time, in my
impression, these are not just purely western faces either. Instead, we have
invented a sort of face of a new species who inhabit only in the world of Anime.
In other words, after heavy influences from the West, we have Japanese them and
then redistributed them around the world.
(3). A third interpretation of Wachowski’s comment, involves the glocalizing
process itself; the mixture or hybridity of world cultures themselves. This entails a
process of arranging or fusing different elements from around the world. Then this
arranged or fused new invention can circulate all over the world. As a result of
this circulation or “travelling culture” (James Clifford), yet another new
arrangement or fusion will take place. The process is an ever—repeating one in
our glocalized world.
(4) This brings about a fourth interpretation of Wachowaki’s episode. It seems to
me that the process of the transformation of the “Ghost in the Shell” into the
Matrix required something “special”. I mean the translation process that occurred
in making the film of the Matrix was neither easy nor automatic. Generally
speaking, I think, for the crystallization of cultural elements that are circulating in
the world to take place, to rise to and for the crystallized product level of new and
highly organized masterpiece such as the Matrix , there must be a local tradition
or heritage of culture in place. In the case of the Matrix, that was Hollywood know
how; the ability to make and launch a smash hit movie film in the world market.
Also in the case of Japan, we have such a long tradition and heritage for Manga
civilization from 12th century. The recent prosperity of Anime should be
interpreted as a consequence of the mixture of the following elements:
(1) The heritage of Japanese illustrated hand scrolls;
(2) Influence of American comics just after the WW􀀀 ;
(3) Genius like that of Osamu Tezuka, who he said he was influenced by Disney
yet invented quite a different world from Disney.
To sum up, we can describe Fig.2 as a theoretical map for reading the phenomena
concerning Manga and Anime. As the figure suggests, we have seen the Anime in
terms of social context first, such as “image alliance” and coterie magazine in the

coterie magazine in the sender, production side, and grass—roots fan and readers
in the receivers, consumer's side. On the opposite pole of the vertical axis, we
have seen anime as a particular “text.” In these boxes, we have seen the manga
or anime literacy on both sides of sender and receiver. Also we have seen
concerning the both sides, cultural heritage from Japanese tradition,
characteristics of linguistic system of Japanese, and the post—modern condition in
7. Post—Modern and Anime
The popularity of and readiness to accept Anime in general especially among
the younger generation, is indicative of a deeper predisposition toward the
post-modern condition.
The following concepts are central to the notion of the post-modern:
(1) Fragmentation of time, space arrangement; this is closely related to the
process called glocalization. You can imagine daily life with MTV and the Internet
that can take you to every small corner in the world at once, in the blink of an eye.
This situation can transform your life into a fragmented space and time.
(2) Aesthetisation of daily life. This process concerns the generalization of the
urban lifestyle. Georg Simmel has already mentioned this process of
aesthetisation of life, but for him this tendency is limited to a select group of the
upper or middle class dwelling in a metropolitan area that presents a wide variety
of choices and can accommodate vast range of taste.
(3) De-centralization of the self or deconstruction of the subject. 􀀁 As consequence
of the fragmentation of time and space, “the modern man” described by D.
Riesman as a human being who has internalized one transcendental value system
no longer exists. Here “transcendental” means that value system which is not
imbedded in each concrete context but is transcendent beyond that. Instead of
this type of modern man, “the Other—oriented” person, as Riesmann put it is now
Also there has been, it seems to me, taking place the process of so to speak the
“de—humanization” of philosophy or quality of value. Ironically, however, as the
concomitant process, or reverse side of the same process, industries of healing,
therapy or psychotherapy are flourishing. The culture of seeking after oneself is

oneself is now in a state of boundless proliferation.
In above-mentioned sense, glocalization and post-modernization are now in the
process of mutual interpenetration.
Regarding the issue of the breakdown of grand narrative, we are facing so many
different small narratives and stories from every corner of the world that have
their own “exotic” flavours.
It is easy to see the connection between this phenomenon and the fragmentation
of time and space, and then the connection of the phenomena with the process of
pluralization of the centre for globalisation.
Finally, this fragmentation of time and space is correspondent with syncretism on
the level of a value system. Japanese syncretism is in direct correspondence with
both the processes of modernization and post-modernization. The basic task of
the modernization in Japan was quite different from that of West. In Japan, since
acceptance, adaptation and a short-term catch—up strategy were the key issues,
Japanese syncretism, and a patchwork of the religions had some functional
relevance. Thus Japanese modernity already had some elements of post—
modernity in its own modern process, and now these are coming to the fore. But
if we note the differences between modern and post-modern Japan—as I say—
while in the modern process, “catching up” was the key issue, in post-modern
settings invention and creation are now the issue of importance, and emphasis
falls on Japan as the one of the pluralized centres for glocalization.
It was mentioned at the beginning of this paper that the two tendencies of
“splitting—off” from the modern structures, namely the phenomena “less than
nation-state” and “more than nation-state”. Also mentioned that there have been
some new phenomena that can be called bridging activities between the two, such
as NOP or NGO. In the field of cultural phenomena, Japanese animation can be
seen as one of these bridging movements. Anime is a combination of the local,
cultural heritage and the global market system creating one of the plural centers
of globalization and fitting to the post-modern conditions in the cotemporary world.
In this sense, the process of “re-integration” or “inclusion” that Talcott Parsons
once put it, seems to be getting into a new, really interesting yet unpredictable
route of bringing it into being.
Appadurai, Arjun: 1996 Modernity at Large—Cultural Dimensions of Globalization.
Iwabuchi, Koichi: 2001 Transnational Japan.
Parsons, Talcott: 1977 “Introduction” to the Part ô€€€ The Evolution and Integration of
Modern Societies in Social Systems and the Evolution of Action Theory.
Robertson, Roland: 1992 Globalization : Social Theory and Global Culture.
Shiraishi, Saya: 1998 “Manga Anime no Globalization” in Hen-yo suru Asia to Nihon.
Takahata, Isao: 1999 Juni-Seiki no Animation.

It seems to me that the modern world, consists of nation-states, is splitting off to two different directions; 1.
Phenomena “less than” nation-state (Prof. Kouto), such as regionalism, tribe, ethnicity. 2.Phenomena “more than”
nation-state (Prof. Kouto), such as MacDonaldization, information society. However, at the same time, there are
phenomena that are a sort of hybridity of these two tendencies, such as NOP, NGO movement in that slogan of
“think global, act local.” In a sense, MacDonaldization can be seen as a rather simple extension of modern in
terms of its basic logic. Here I will treat the Anime (Japanese animation) as this sort of hybrid phenomenon.
These phenomena of hybridization can also be termed “Glocalization” as R. Robertson put it. Seen from the
background of the “splitting off”, “differentiation” (T.Parsons), however, these phenomena may also be
considered as a “hope” or seed for “re-integration” (Parsons) of split social structure for the next stage of social

yang Gue benci

Diposting oleh Blaziken On 13.10 0 komentar
ini berdasarkan curhatan temen Hari ini, jadi gue sadar kalau ada beberapa hal yang bener-bener gue benci

yah selama ini gue termasuk orang yang jarang marah tapi MOODY abis, yah memang mood gue sering berubah seiring jaman -halaah lama beneer-

1. gue paling benci orang munak

sumpah orang munak malah bikin eneg, entah berapa kali aku urusan sama orang munak, dan tetap saja dia meneruskan itu kesalahan

2. Gue benci orang yang salah tapi minta maafnya berlebihan

sebenarnya sih nggak begitu benci tapi pada waktu minta maaf tapi lebay abis... "aduuuh minta maaf ampe di telpon-telpon di wece *sebel nggak sih waktu buang hajat di gangguin*

3. gue paling benci orang nggak peka

inini beneran gue benciiiiiii seumur umur, padahal dengan rela aku menemaninya, mengingatkannya atas dasar pertemanan, tapi sayangnya dai NGGAK PEKA, padahal gue dengan sukarela ngingetin dia, ih pada akhirnya di balas dengan air tuba

4. aku benci orang egois

eeeeeeeeeeeeeah akhir-akhir ini gue berurusan sama orng ini, sudah egois sok penting pula

5. Gue benci ama orang yang banyak alasan
memang siih nggak begitu penting tapi dongkol juga kalau tahu, misal

"oi gue ke kostmu mau ambil buku!"
"oh mAaf ki pagi aku mau ke kampus buat ngerjain tugas bareng kelompok!"
"ya udah aku siang aja deh ke kostmu!
"wah ki aku pergi e siang! gimana kalau aku ke kontrakanmu nganterin?"

oke lah gue setuju, tapi tepat pukul 13 siang, aku datang ke kostnya karena sedang ada urusan dekat ama tempat kostnya, dan kenyataannya dia baru bangun tidur? OMG! jadi alasan dia ke kampus itu bohong? HAAAH?

apalagi dongkol waktu tugas di kumpulin telat... banyaaaaaaak bener alasannya.... sibuk ini lah itu lah

padahal cuman 1 slide doank
dan di kumpulinnya pas malam jam 12 malam tepat paginya jam 7 udah presentasi... jengkeeeeeeel ndak seeeeeh padahal udah ingetin 3 minggu

6. gue paling benci sama orang yang udah berbuat salah ama gue, lalu gue ingetin, tapi dia melakukannya terhadap orang lain *temen saya*

kaarena pada dasarnya aku orang yang lebih memperhatikan temen, aku paling nggak suka hal ini, ini beberapa contoh yang aku alami akhir2 ini, orang tersebut bermasalah denganku... sudah aku peringatkan lewat frontal

akan tetapi bukannya tobat dan ngambil pelajaran.. dia justru mengulanginya ke temen aku yah yang bener aja, masak sih orang yang suka telat, nggak peka, dan munak macam dia at least tahu apa yang sekiranya perlu buat dia dan kepentingan dia tapi KOK ADA YAAH Orang semunak dia, se gak peka kayak dia, se telatan kayak dia, se nggak kooperatif kayak dia. dan yang paling penting dia bikin salah satu dan banyak temen gue protest...

N.B. sebenarnya saya tidak pernah mengajarkan ke yang lain mengenai kebencian saya, tapi kalau kamu juga benci pada dia, saya yakin saya bisa menuturkan nama dia kalau aku juga benci dia.

Total Video Converter

Diposting oleh Blaziken On 16.06 0 komentar
Total Video Converter is a complete solution for video conversion which supports reading, playing all kinds of video and audio formats and converting them to the popular video formats. Total Video Converter includes a powerful media conversion engine internally so that you can convert media files with very fast speed.

Main Features:
# Convert all kinds of videos to mobile videos or audios (mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio) which are used by cell-phone, PDA, PSP, iPod;
# Photos slide show combines multi-photos and musics with more than 300 photos fantasy transition effect;
# High compatibility and high efficiency for Importing RMVB or RM video/audio;
# Convert various videos to MPEG videos compatible with standard DVD/SVCD/VCD;
# Burn the converted videos to DVD/SVCD/VCD;
# Rip DVD to popular videos of all sorts;
# Extract audio from various of videos and convert which to all kinds of audios (mp3, ac3, ogg, wav, aac);
# RIP CD to audios of all sorts directly;

Support All popular video and audio formats:
avi,dat,3gp,qt,mov,mpg,mpeg,m1v,wmv,asf,ogm,mkv,ds m,vob,mp4,ra,rm,ram,amr, 3gp,3gp2,3g2,3gpp,psp,flv,fli,flc,rmvb,rpm,gif,ifo ,mp3,ac3,wav,aac,aiff,au,cda,mp2

Total Video Converter supports generating the following file formats:

Output Video Formats:
. MPEG4(.mp4)
. 3gp(.3gp, 3g2)
. Game Psp(.psp)
. MPEG1(.mpg, mpeg)
. NTSC, PAL DVD mpeg
. NTSC, PAL VCD mpeg
. Ms Mpeg4 AVI(.avi)
. Divx AVI(.avi)
. Xvid AVI(.avi)
. H264 AVI(.avi)
. Mjpeg AVI(.avi)
. HuffYUV AVI(.avi)
. Swf Video(.swf)
. Flv Video (.flv)
. Gif Animation(.gif)
. Mpeg4 Mov(.mov)
. Apple Quicktime(.mov)
. FLIC format(.fli, .flc)
. Gif Animation(.gif)
. DV (.dv)

Output Audio Formats:
. mp3, mp2
. wav
. aac
. ogg
. amr
. awb
. m4a

Requirements: Directx 9

maaf review dalam bahasa inggris, cuma copy paste Tongue
klo ada yg bermasalah dgn cracknya karena dianggap TROJAN, disable dulu antivirusnya, baru patch di tempat yg kamu install
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Diposting oleh Blaziken On 16.04 0 komentar
Internet Download Manager 5.15 - Final

Internet Download Manager 5.15 - Final - 2.7 MB

Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.
Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, scheduler pro, sounds on different events, HTTPS support, queue processor, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), built-in download accelerator, and many others.


• All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications.
• Easy downloading with one click. When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols.
• Download Speed Acceleration. Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
• Download Resume. Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off.
• YouTube grabber. Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video.
• Simple installation wizard. Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager
• Drag and Drop. You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager.
• Automatic Antivirus checking. Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans.
• Advanced Browser Integration. When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature.
• Built-in Scheduler. Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done.
• IDM includes web site spider and grabber. IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes.
• IDM supports many types of proxy servers. For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers.
• IDM supports main authentication protocols: Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password.
• Download All feature. IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature.
• Customizable Interface. You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window.
• Download Categories. Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories.
• Quick Update Feature. Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week.
• Download limits. Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.
• IDM is multilingual. IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages.

What is new in version 5.15
- Added IDM Download Panel for Firefox and other Mozilla based
browsers that appears on top of a web-player when IDM detects
a multimedia request from the web-player. IDM download panel
is used to download and save audio and video files that are
played by the web player. It can be used to download flash
videos from sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, Google Videos, etc.
- Made a workaround for a problem with downloading attachments
from different yahoo servers
- Enhanced processing of downloads for different types of servers
- Also this version includes all latest bug fixes


Download: (Size: 2.7 MB)
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